Blancanieves Movie Actor
Maribel Verdu,Daniel Giménez Cacho,Ángela Molina,Pere Ponce,Macarena García,Sofia Oria,Josep Maria Pou,Inma Cuesta,Ramón Barea,Emilio Gavira,Sergio DoradoRating & Critics From Visitor For Blancanieves User Rating Blancanieves Movie : 3.9
User Percentage For Blancanieves Movie : 80 %
User Count Like for Blancanieves Movie : 2,136
All Critical Rating For Blancanieves Movie : 7.9
All Critical Count For Blancanieves Movie : 51
All Critical Percentage For Blancanieves Movie : 96 %
Genres Blancanieves Movie : Art House & International,Drama
Blancanieves Movie Review
A sensual and sophisticated retelling of a beloved fairytale re-imagined as a homage to European silent cinema, Spanish writer-director Pablo Berger's black-and-white Blancanieves will leave you transfixed.Linda Barnard-Toronto Star
Most films are experiences to be ignored or at best forgotten. "Blancanieves" is a little classic to be treasured.
Colin Covert-Minneapolis Star Tribune
It is a full-bodied silent film of the sort that might have been made by the greatest directors of the 1920s, if such details as the kinky sadomasochism of this film's evil stepmother could have been slipped past the censors.
Roger Ebert-Chicago Sun-Times
Blancanieves, which won 10 Goyas (Spain's equivalent of the Oscars) and was a smash hit in its native Spain, has traces of a kinky undertone and an uncommon willingness to embrace the darkness inherent in this fairy tale.
Rene Rodriguez-Miami Herald
As if bewitched, the legend of Snow White is transferred to Seville in the early twentieth century and transformed into high melodrama.
Anthony Lane-New Yorker
Sensuous, mischievous, hotblooded retelling of the old Teutonic fairy tale.
John Anderson-Newsday
Like The Artist, Blancanieves is delightfully novel, but it also feels trapped by its innovative gimmickry.
Radheyan Simonpillai-NOW Toronto
A boldly conceived fairy tale from Spain
Robert Denerstein-Movie Habit
Succeeds in all its cinematic experiments
Marty Mapes-Movie Habit
The story might be familiar, but Berger's film is so beautifully shot and so wonderfully scored - and so distinctively Spanish - that it stands as its own film.
Mike Scott-Times-Picayune
Blancanieves holds to the structure, but not strictures, of the source fairy tale.
Kimberley Jones-Austin Chronicle
A new, purely silent movie from Spain that never once speaks and doesn't need to speak. What's more, it seems to get the infinite possibilities of silence, and how much passion can come from it.
Jeffrey M. Anderson-Combustible Celluloid
Berger's film doesn't show loyalty to any traditional version of Snow White. Berger's Blancanieves takes a darker approach, which seems appropriate.
Nancy Flores-Austin American-Statesman
A completely enchanting fairy tale about the vicissitudes of fate, in live action and glorious black and white.
Kelly Vance-East Bay Express
The fun in the Spanish "Blancanieves" is the way it plays with our expectations.
Chris Hewitt (St. Paul)-St. Paul Pioneer Press
May not have much depth to its characters or particular surprise, but its lovely depiction of family's ability to harm and mend has the flair of flamenco and the sorrow of opera.
Matt Pais-RedEye
No, "Blancanieves" isn't subtle, but it's an unforgettable time at the movies.
Rob Thomas-Capital Times (Madison, WI)
Inspired filmmaking steeped in the imagery of silent film history, a dark Iberian strain of Roman Catholicism and the magic of fairy tales.
James Verniere-Boston Herald
... lusty and heartfelt, fiery flamenco and spirited country jig. Don't go expecting a Disney-fied fable. Berger seasons with S&M and the kind of macabre touches you'd expect in vintage Browning or Bunuel.
Glenn Lovell-CinemaDope
If not for some faintly disturbing imagery and a pleasingly feminist heroine, you could mistake this for a movie actually made in the 1920s (and even those two factors weren't utterly unknown then).
Marc Mohan-Oregonian
A loving tribute to European silent films of the 1920s; a reminder that cinema need not be constrained by words.
Brent Simon-Shared Darkness
By the time the film arrives at its grand theatrical finale, you're almost prepared for Berger's last great twist. Almost.
Chris Barsanti-Film Racket
this beautifully shot and imaginatively told fairy tale should be seen my many, but only a few will likely get to enjoy it. This is a shame for the audience it is intended for.
Robin Clifford-Reeling Reviews
Blancanieves Film Picture
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