Racing Stripes Movie Actor
Hayden Panettiere,Bruce Greenwood,M. Emmet Walsh,Wendie Malick,Frankie Muniz,Mandy Moore,Michael Clarke Duncan,Jeff Foxworthy,Joshua Jackson,Joe Pantoliano,Michael Rosenbaum,Steve Harvey,David Spade,Snoop Dogg,Fred Dalton Thompson,Dustin Hoffman,Whoopi Goldberg,Gary Bullock,John Lesley,Jansen PanettiereRating & Critics From Visitor For Racing Stripes User Rating Racing Stripes Movie : 3
User Percentage For Racing Stripes Movie : %
User Count Like for Racing Stripes Movie : 59,498
All Critical Rating For Racing Stripes Movie : 4.9
All Critical Count For Racing Stripes Movie : 99
All Critical Percentage For Racing Stripes Movie : 35 %
Genres Racing Stripes Movie : Drama,Kids & Family,Comedy
Racing Stripes Movie Review
A predictable but pleasant kids movie.Russell Scott Smith-New York Post
Almost everyone in this has done better, and those who haven't, like young Ms. Panettiere, have plenty of time to do so.
Mike Clark-USA Today
There's much to laud in Racing Stripes.
Susan Walker-Toronto Star
Bland but likable kids' movie.
Moira MacDonald-Seattle Times
Offers enjoyable moments.
Carla Meyer-San Francisco Chronicle
It stumbles right out of the gate.
Roger Moore-Orlando Sentinel
Best live-action talking animal movie since Babe.
Nell Minow-Common Sense Media
There's something oddly satisfying about seeing a notoriously disobedient wild animal like a zebra racing alongside horses.
Cole Smithey-ColeSmithey.com
Part earnest, old-fashioned melodrama, part wisecracking broad comedy, Racing Stripes is a film divided against itself.
Nathan Rabin-AV Club
Racing Stripes never pulls ahead of the pack, but it's good for a few laps around the track.
Peter T. Chattaway-Christianity Today
Um filme engraçadinho, sem dúvida, mas que nada mais é do que uma cópia pouco inspirada do encantador Babe - Um Porquinho Atrapalhado.
Pablo Villaca-Cinema em Cena
That it is familiar and predictable is a given, but nevertheless Racing Stripes is an enjoyable film.
Bill Clark-FromTheBalcony
I have no doubt that Racing Stripes will be a solid hit with younger kids. But adults watching it with them may want to bring along a good book.
John J. Puccio-Movie Metropolis
I suppose you have to expect barnyard humor in a film which takes place in a barnyard, but I longed for something more clever and less crude.
Robert Roten-Laramie Movie Scope
Racing Stripes follows a story arc similar to Babe, but it possesses none of the warmth, humor, or originality of that film.
Mark Pfeiffer-Reel Times: Reflections on Cinema
A breezy caper that will entertain children without testing their parents' patience.
Neil Smith-BBC
This is a nice movie that should entertain the kids and adults won't mind either.
Vince Koehler-Entertainment Spectrum
If in the world of talking animal movies Babe is a 10, Racing Stripes scores a 6.5.
Forrest Hartman-Reno Gazette-Journal
... the screenplay is a little unfocused in places - for example, a love interest sub-plot gets dropped pretty quickly, presumably because onscreen horse-zebra love might provoke some awkward questions.
Matthew Turner-ViewLondon
The only thing that keeps us engaged is the cute factor.
Rich Cline-Shadows on the Wall
Truly all-ages appeal is nowhere in evidence as director Frederik DuChau is all too eager to sink to cheap juvenalia.
Michael Dequina-TheMovieReport.com
A horse of a different color!
Tony Toscano-Talking Pictures (U.S.)
Won't make it into the winner's circle.
Susan Tavernetti-Palo Alto Weekly
I'm not against the idea of a talking zebra in and of itself, but this movie containing said articulate quadruped is decidedly bad.
Ken Hanke-Mountain Xpress (Asheville, NC)
I can't remember the last time I gave a movie an extra half star because the animal lead is so cute.
Linda Cook-KWQC-TV (Iowa)
Racing Stripes Film Picture
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